Looking for ways to impress the girl you like?

Looking for ways to impress the girl you like?

TNN Aug 12, 2013, 12.00AM IST
(Wanna impress her? (Thinkstock…)
Looking for ways to impress the girl you like? Here are a few points you need to keep in mind...

Want to impress the girl you think you have a little something for? How will you go about it? The basic first step that you need to keep in mind is that girls are not impressed by anything which seems fake or unoriginal. Most guys tend to act or be like someone else just in order to impress girls but they never succeed with it. Come on! A- don't assume she is dumb she can see through you and will not like it if she knows that you are trying to be someone you are not. The key here is to be as original as possible in order to impress your girl.Do not try to hard
First and foremost do not try to impress her! There is the big secret. The best way to impress a girl is not to impress her. Wondering how this really works? Well when most guys try to impress girls they tend to become more unauthentic and try to show off with almost anything and everything. Girls are not impressed by such tactics and would end up putting you in their list of 'the show off' guys. The best way to impress a girl is to be yourself and let things happen automatically.
Let her respect who you are
You are highly mistaken if you think that girls have only money and material things on their mind. If you find that a girl is impressed by your money than she is probably looking for money and not for you. The best way to impress a girl and retain your status is by the way of natural talents which involve the way you talk and present yourself. You need girls to respect you for what you are and not what you or your parents possess.
Talk her in
One of things which almost every girl demands and gets impressed by is intellectuality. Try to develop your intellectual skills. This can be done by reading up and increasing your knowledge. Read more books and be up-to-date with the latest happenings. Remember being a good talker is the foundation of impressing almost any girl. No girl would be impressed by you unless you have something which is different from the rest. Girls normally get hit on by several guys everyday and almost all those boys try to impress them with all they've got. If you are doing and following the same tactics as all those boys than you would never succeed in your quest to impress girls. Show your true self while trying to impress a girl. Don't talk to her with the quest to impress rather try to do what you normally do.FEATURED ARTICLES

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